joi, 13 iunie 2013


Works Cited:

Alaniz, José. Komics: Comics Art in Russia. Mississippi: The University Press of Mississippi. 2010. Web

Coogan, Peter. Superhero: The Secret Origin of a Genre. Austin: Monkey Brain Books. 2006. Print.

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DiPaolo, Marc. War, Politics and Superheroes: Ethics and Propaganda in Comics and Film. London: McFarland and Company. 2011. PDF.

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McLaughlin, Jeff. "Introduction." Comics as Philosophy. N.p.: University of Mississippi, 2005. Xi-Xix. Print.

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Roger, Sabin. Comics, Comix and Graphic Novels:A History of Comic Art. London: Phandon Press Ltd. 1996. Print.

Wolk, Douglas. Reading Comics:How Graphic Novels Work and What They Mean. Philadelphia: Da Capo Press. 2007. Print.

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Vassilikopoulou Marianthi, Michael Boloudakis and Symeon Retalis From Digitised Comic Books to Digital Hypermedia  Comic Books: Their Use in  Education.  Piraeus University. 2004.  PDF.

Uncited References

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